“Company for Audit and Consultancy” Ltd. is a specialized auditing enterprise registered under No. 037 in the State Gazette, issue 24/2007, p.54 and is entered under No.46 in the List of companies, certified to serve as training institutions for the International Standards for Financial Reporting at the National Council on Accounting with the Ministry of Finance. The company is awarded a license for providing auditing services to insurance and social security enterprises and institutions.It is a member of the Institute of certified public a ccountants in Bulgaria.“AKTA PRIM” Ltd. is a subsidiary of “Company for Audit and Consultancy” Ltd. and specializes in accounting services and drafting of financial statements.
"Company for Audit and Consultancy” Ltd. employs highly qualified specialists and consultants both in the theory and practice of accounting, taxation and finance. Our staff is qualified and well trained and has a thorough knowledge of:
The Directives of the European Community
International Accounting Standards
International Financial Accounting Standards
Bulgarian Accounting Standards
Auditing Standards
Commercial, Financial, Tax, Banking and Labor Law
The activity of “Company for Audit and Consultancy” Ltd. has a high degree of automation which enhances the speed and the efficiency of the accounting and consultancy work. The system was designed and is currently supported by ITS. The company has the latest specialized software with versatile options aimed at satisfying the needs of different accounting systems. Versions in English, German, French, Russian and Bulgarian have been developed.